Never Trust a Gemini

by Freja Nicole Woolf

Narrated by Marisa Calin

My Rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cat is your average teen lesbian disaster, with hobbies that include drawing princesses together, knowing everything about astrology, and pining over her close friend Alison. This is the season she’s ready to take charge of her love life. That is until she meets new girl Morgan. Suddenly everything she thought she knew may not be entirely true anymore.

This is one of those times where I enjoyed the narrator’s voice, but I’m not sure if she was right for this book specifically. For the main character I don’t have any complaints, most of her friends felt off. Everyone is a 14-15 year old girl, but a few didn’t quite feel that way. They just felt much more adult than I would have expected. I wasn’t a big fan there, but again the narrator herself sounded fine overall. Just not the book for her I think

I have two very different opinions of this book. One I feel is more valid than the other. First I need to stress that I am in no way the target audience for this book. I read a lot of YA and almost always enjoy it. While this book is also YA, it hits on the much younger side of YA than I’m used to. That aspect I didn’t care for, but I can appreciate it for what it is.

Cat is a very typical 14 year old girl that is part of the popular crowd. In this regard the author did well portraying exactly this. Though this is also where my biggest issue personally was. Cat’s mannerisms are so young it is cringy and almost frustrating. The way she spoke and thought really drives home the fact that this is a much younger YA book. Again though, I personally didn’t care for this, but it wasn’t enough to make me stop reading. I genuinely appreciated that this book delivers exactly what it sets out to.

Despite the awkward way Cat spoke I was curious enough about the story to continue. It was a very typical and cute school romance. There was also an interesting collection of supporting characters. They had a lot of depth and were full of surprises. They added the right amount of conflict or progress to the narrative.

While I can’t recommend this for older teens or adults that enjoy YA stories, I very much think this was a perfect book for it’s target audience and absolutely something younger generations need.

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